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June 15, 2020

Dear Phenomenal She Mentors, Mentees, Parents, and Guardians,

Phenomenal She is following Governor Inslee’s guidance. On Monday, May 4, 2020, Governor Inslee signed Proclamation 20-25.3 and outlined the “Safe Start” plan, a phased approach to re-open Washington’s economy. Under the plan, businesses and activities will re-open in phases with adequate social distancing measures and health standards in place. Businesses may also need to meet additional requirements developed specifically for their industry.

Your health and safety continue to be our priority. We will continue to have programming via Zoom for the time being and will update you when we feel that we can safely return to our building for programming. Mentors will still be in contact with their mentees and staff will continue to communicate information and resources during this time via our weekly Newsletter.

This remains to be a crucial time and it is still important that we work together to ensure that our community can remain healthy.

Kind regards,

Carlecia Bell Executive Director